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Month: October 2018

Overactive Bladder? Here’s What You Need to Know

Overactive Bladder? Here’s What You Need to Know

When you leave the house, do you leave with the nagging fear that you might have one of those sudden urges to pee? The kind of urge that means you can never be more than a few yards from a restroom and are always worried that you’ll have an accident? If so, you may be among the millions living with a condition known as overactive bladder (OAB).

Supporting a Child Living with Diabetes  

Supporting a Child Living with Diabetes  

While there are different opinions about where this quote comes from, these words of wisdom are hard to dispute. If you are the parent or caregiver to a child or adolescent with a chronic illness, including the approximately 210,000 Americans under age 20 estimated to have diagnosed diabetes, these words can be particularly meaningful.

Easy Tips for Helping Seniors Reduce Falls

Easy Tips for Helping Seniors Reduce Falls

Susan was on her way to visit her daughter when a simple bathroom break landed her in the emergency room. She simply stepped out of the car and tripped as she stepped up onto the curb. It could have happened to anyone, but the fact is falls like this are common among older adults with as many as 1 in 4 older people taking a fall each year.