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Supporting a Loved One with Diabetes 

Think about the hard stuff you’ve faced in your life—and we know there’s been plenty! Whatever you’ve gone through, you probably noticed that dealing with it was easier with the support of someone who understands, doesn’t judge, and finds ways to help.

Supporting a Loved One with Diabetes

Caring for an Advanced Wound: A Practical Guide

Remember when you were a kid and that skinned knee seemed to fix itself overnight, with the help of a couple of Mickey Mouse Band-Aids, of course? Unfortunately, adult wounds can take longer to heal. That can be because of the severity of the wound as well as underlying health issues.

Advanced Wound Care

Diabetes and Foot Health

When we think about diabetes self-care, we usually think about monitoring blood sugar, taking medication, and counting carbs. These are all critical for effectively managing diabetes, but there are two other “things” you also need to think about—your feet!

diabetes and foot health

Diabetes and Your Dental Health 

Did you know that having diabetes can also lead to complications with your teeth and gums? Doctors say that the higher the level of glucose in your blood, the higher your risk for dental problems. In fact, about 20% of all tooth loss is linked to diabetes.

woman brushing her teeth

Answers to Questions About Diabetes and Food

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you’re sure to have questions about the best food choices you can make to keep your diabetes in check. Food is one of three ways people with diabetes manage their blood sugar. The others are exercise and medication.

Answers to questions about diabetes and food