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Month: October 2023

How To Cut Sugar From Your Diet

How To Cut Sugar From Your Diet

If you have diabetes, pre-diabetes, or are just determined to control your glucose levels, or improve your eating habits by scaling back on sugar, we applaud you. It can be difficult to cut down on sugar, because as everybody knows, nothing hits the mouth, and the brain, like a warm chocolate chip cookie or a cold ice cream cone.

How to Choose the Right Doctor

How to Choose the Right Doctor

Are you looking for a new doctor or primary care physician (PCP)? There are many reasons why you might decide you need to change doctors or healthcare providers. A new diagnosis or a change in your health status could be driving your search. Or maybe you recently moved to a new town and need a doctor near where you live. Perhaps your healthcare provider retired or maybe you just don’t “click” with your current doctor.

How Does Exercise Help Diabetes?

How Does Exercise Help Diabetes?

Exercise. We’ve talked about it in this blog. Your doctor has probably recommended it. You may even be doing it. Many people with diabetes and pre-diabetes know that exercise is key to managing their condition. In fact, exercise in addition to diet, monitoring blood sugar levels, and taking insulin and other medications are key components of diabetes self-care and management.

Managing Your Blood Pressure

Managing Your Blood Pressure

Blood pressure (BP) is one of the most familiar metrics in healthcare. Most people have had their blood pressure taken dozens of times in their life and probably don’t think too much about what the resulting numbers mean. This blog is about to change that! Read on to answer questions about blood pressure such as: What’s an ideal BP? What makes your blood pressure rise and fall? What can you do to control your blood pressure? And how does blood pressure relate to chronic conditions such as heart disease or diabetes?