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Month: July 2017

Choosing the Right Skin Barrier for Your Ostomy

Choosing the Right Skin Barrier for Your Ostomy

Whether you’re selecting supplies for a home improvement project or managing an ostomy, getting the details right is the key to success. To ensure the job gets done correctly, you’ll need to understand what tools to use and how to use them correctly. If you live with an ostomy, including a colostomy, ileostomy, or urostomy, there’s a lot to think about, including how to choose the right skin barrier.

Helping Kids Manage Diabetes at Camp

Helping Kids Manage Diabetes at Camp

If your child has diabetes, you already know that there’s a lot to think about, and a lot to do. You’ll learn to help your child test their blood glucose, learn about medications, including insulin injections, if needed, and how to manage the emotional ups and downs of having a chronic disease.